10th of October 2021, Sunday, 15:00 (GMT+3) Zoom
In the first Academy Cognition of the new season, we listened to İdil Gemici. She continues her doctoral studies at Yeditepe University Neuroscience PhD Program. İdil was with us with her presentation titled "Language Control Mechanisms in Sign Languages and Spoken Languages" and she discussed the topics such as bilingualism, bimodality, functional neuroanatomy of language and language control. As in every Academy Cognition, after her presentation, the discussion and conversation session has taken place. Thanks to İdil and all our participants!
7th of November 2021, Sunday, 18:00 (GMT+3) Zoom
Nursima Ünver, a master's student at the Sabancı University Psychology Program, was with us as the speaker at the Academy Cognition #14. Nursima, in her talk titled "The Effect of Divided Attention on Recalling", talked about how divided attention affects the recalling proces and what is the interaction between them. Many thanks to Nursima for her wonderful talk and to all those who participated and contributed to discussion!
12th of December 2021, Sunday, 18:00 (GMT+3) Zoom
In the 15th Academy Cognition, we listened to Bahar Tarakçı who is currently a master srudent in Özyeğin University Developmental psychology program. Her title was "Does Language Affect Our Moral Decisions?". She talked about the relationship between moral decision making and language development. After the presentation, the discussion and conversation session has taken place. Many thanks to Bahar and all our participants!
9th of January 2022, Sunday, 18.00 (GMT +3) Zoom
At the 16th Academy Cognition, we listened to Ayça Akan, a master student at Humboldt University Berlin School of Mind and Brain with her presentation titled "Visions: The Effect of Attention on Aesthetic Choices" She talked about Empirical Aesthetics and current findings of empirical studies. After her presentation, the discussion and conversation session has taken place. Many thanks to Ayça and all our participants!
13th of February 2022, Sunday, 6:00 PM (GMT+3), Zoom
We listened to Ali Alper Demircan from Yeditepe University Cognitive Science graduate program at the 17th Academy Cognition. His title was "Interaction of Modalities at Lower and Upper Levels Against Auditory Bistabilia". He mentioned interaction between modalities in different aspects. After his presentation, the discussion and conversation session has taken place. Many thanks to Ali Alper and all our participants!
6th of March 2022, Sunday, 18:00 (GMT+3) Zoom
In 18th Academy Cognition, we listened to Samet Kaya, who is a 3rd year student at Bilkent University Psychology Department, as he delivers his speech titled "The Effects of Oddity on Memory and the Upper Memory". Samet mentioned the relationship between oddity and memory. After his presentation, the discussion and conversation session has taken place. Many thanks to Samet Kaya and all our participants!
10th of April 2022, Sunday, 18:00 (GMT+3) Zoom
In 19th Academy Cognition, we listened to Zeynep Oğuzman, who is a master student at Middle East Technical University Cognitive Science (M.Sc.) and Philosophy (MA) with her speech titled "Pathological Consciousness: An Evaluation of the Concept of Self-Awareness on the Basis of Cognitive Sciences on Psychotic Diseases". Zeynep talked about the relationship between psyhopathology and self awareness, and related studies. After her presentation, the Q&A session has taken place. Many thanks to Zeynep Oğuzman and all our participants!
22th of May 2022, Sunday, 18:00 (GMT+3) Zoom
At the 20th Academy Cognition, our teammate Mert Can, currently studying Cognitive Science at TU Kaiserslautern, was with us with his presentation titled "What We Don't and Can't See: An Experimental Design on Unconscious Visual Processing and Visual Crowding". Mert talked about current methods, and a new paradigm that he is trying to develop. After his presentation, the discussion and conversation part started. Many thanks to Mert Can and everyone who participated!